Tuesday, December 21, 2010

the list

This year my list for Santa is simply this: Could I please get the "to do list" all done? Please? My apartment is covered with stacks of paper and grading and I sit down to do it then get on something else or have to go somewhere else and eat with someone or have a meeting or go to class and it doesn't get done! So many half finished projects that my head is spinning and I am starting to stress out a bit.

There is a blessing this week in that my work load has been reduced with no more english corners for the semester, no one on ones and class consists of finals for the next two weeks.

My plan was to sit and grade and cross things off the list all day long. In actuallity- we ended up cleaning a friend's apartment until 11 (after waking up a bit late and a much needed skype date with my Best friend and my siblings). Then lunch with Tannah and then practice with Jordan because there was a staff party this afternoon that we were to perform at.

Apparently it is appropriate to invite people to parties and expect them (pressure them) to perform at said party. The sign in our stairwell said the party would be Tuesday the 22nd (I realize that is tomorrow) at 3:30. At 3, I had straightened my hair, PUT ON MAKEUP (for the 4th time this year), and was getting ready to go downstairs. I recieved a text from my team leader that said the meeting was apparently going to be tomorrow (wednesday the 22nd...) We were all a bit perturbed but again realized that communication and expectations are VERY different in China.

So now I have a bit of time to work on Christmas presents, knock out some grading and.. apparently get distracted with a blog :).

I hope you enjoyed this rant, er, blog.

Love, me

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