Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Burning a bit of light

Nervously I print simple invitations- one for each class- with the main ideas of the party, My students are excited about the prospect of celebrating an 'American' Christmas.
Thursday comes with cleaning, cooking ginger snaps and a trip to the market for snacky food goodness. As an RA, I actracted people to events with free food. The bait hasn't changed and I am still fishing for college students :).

Thursday night Tannah and I decorate the living room with leftover decorations from teachers past. It looks tacky and perfect. The tinsel tree has a tendency to lean to the left, and the one string of net lights is half burnt out. But the combination is perfect and I know they will love it somehow.

Friday brings more cooking: Banana chocolate bread, and my teammates and I lifting the party up in my living room before they arrive. While I invited 2 whole classes, only 4 girls come. I am relieved, a little ashamed of my worry over the numbers. It is all in His hands.
They settle in and it is girls who have come to play games so they are right at home. They eat and talk, we play a game from my family Christmas party, and Tannah and Ashley come to hang out.
These sweet girls shared about Spring festival (new year's celebration) and we shared about Christmas.

With a smile, I announced that we wanted to share a family tradition with them. In the past, my family has made it our habit to attend a Christmas eve Candlelight service. I pulled out some candles, the story from Lk 2, and a song sheet for each girl. They were mystified and excited. One has been asking a lot of good questions and so she felt a bit like an insider.
We read the story, and at the end, turned off the light and lit our candles for Silent Night. Can I say it was amazing? It was. To see a picture so holy and their voices singing of that night when Love came down, there is nothing better. I want nothing more than to celebrate like this forever, sharing his truth and reveling in his grace and love.

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