Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just a Couple of Dreamers

This past year I heard an artist speak on how he worships God simply by creating. He doesn't feel the need to create "christian art" in order to worship God. He simply creates with the skills and passion God gave him and in doing so, in enjoying the process, he worships God. He said something like this, "God is a creator. He is creative. When I am creative I am bearing witness to who he is. I am made in his image and so when I create, I am experiencing part of who he is."

I firmly believe God is a dreamer. Afterall isn't prophecy simply a dream backed up with all the power imaginable to make it happen? And weren't some of the most incredible men and women in the Bible dreamers? Joseph, David, Daniel. Wasn't Esther willing to believe a dream that she could save her people?

So I am believing in dreams. Dreams like these: that Hank and I would remain as in love as we are today forever(Newlyweds for life!), that I will get a good job and one that I am passionate about, that my family is in His hands and we are ever being sifted and purified, that Hank will have favor in his new job, that my sister Julia will one day open a camp for the deaf, that Em would find a job working with animals that fits her to a T, that Whitney and Jered would find a camp or ministry that they can work at as a team and still maintain a strong marriage, that Hank and I will find a good church that will become as much like family as ours in Longview.

I am believing dreams and in the believing there is faith.

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