Sunday, February 5, 2012

Restless for a Job Opportunity

     This past week the restlessness has set in. Before we moved, Hank mentioned the probably need to start looking for a job before we actually got to Houston. As a Pro-Procrastinator, I couldn't see the need for such hasty measures when I would assuredly have people knocking down my door and offering me a job... Or at least that is how I dreamed it would be.

    Turns out having a college degree and lots of community service hours isn't exactly what businesses are looking for. They actually want me to have job experience in the field. Oops.

     I have never worried about finding a job- never really felt the restlessness that comes from sending in lots of applications and not hearing. one. word from the employers. I second guess myself. Am I doing the right thing? Am I looking in the right places? Maybe I should search more broadly, maybe I should look for something more specific? Maybe I should settle with just getting a job at some local restaurant until I can find something more permanent?

    This job search is making me sort of crazy. I love getting to spend time at home with Hank but its getting to where my restlessness is making me (and Hank) stir crazy and I am not a whole lot of fun.

   I looked down on people when they said it took them a whole month to find a job. Now I am looking forward to the fast-approaching month deadline and I still don't have anything permanent. Maybe I should go work at McD's!
       There are a few opportunities I am looking at. I have gone through the local substitute teaching orientation and, once fingerprinted, I will be ready to influence and shape young minds. :)  I have a profile on a nannying/babysitting/tutoring website and am actively 'freelancing' in these areas. I'm actually babysitting on Valentines and Hank and I are going to celebrate early since there is a chance he will fly that day. But all these little leads aren't steady income and I am just plain anxious.
      My heart is to help people, to really be a force to motivate and help promote change in people's lives. I realize how cliche that sounds. In college I was suspicious about getting paid to travel, teach English and talk about Jesus. But I still have to believe it is somewhat possible.

So, I am trying to believe. Trying to trust that there is SOMETHING that I can do. Maybe I can teach English. I love doing that last year. Maybe I can save up some money and get certified to be a Life Coach (a new dream). Maybe I can just make a difference where I am. It doesn't have to be anything monumental but just getting to know people and love them.

ahhh.. We'll see.

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