Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Living in the 'burbs'

I never thought I would be driving to work forty minutes away from my house. I never thought I would work in a big city. I never thought I would ever ever be a secretary.
      BUT God has a much bigger imagination than I do.
When I first got my job, my employer asked where I lived. He looked surprised when I said I lived so far away. I guess a lot of people commute but no one at that company drives as far as I do.

But there is a reason Hank and I chose to live out here past the suburbs.

It is the big old trees that line our street of small old houses.

 It is the beauty of a sunset seen from a field and not hidden by a skyscraper.

It is the quiet broken by barking dogs instead of honking horns.

It is our little garden mostly taken over by potato plants that gives us reason to go outside and get dirty doing something physical.

 It is the space to stretch out, to make noise, to barbecue, to sing and to laugh with no one on the other side of our walls.

It is the way that buildings are gradually replaced by wide open fields filled with hay bales and cows and rusting old barns

It is the way we slow down and just breathe in this place. It isn't a glamorous town and we have to drive elsewhere for our favorite grocery store, but as we settle in and make friends, it is easier to call this place home.

So I will keep driving and spending approximately $12 a day on gas so I can come home to this place where the paint is peeling and the fixtures are all at least 40 years old, but where we feel like real people. Real people who can slow down enough to know that advancing and progressing are good but enjoying today is even better.

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