Thursday, November 19, 2009


There is one right outside my classroom, one down the hall from my dorm room. One in the gym where I work out once in a blue moon. Galvanized metal box with refrigerated refreshment at the push of a button. All one has to do is get up and walk to that water fountain of goodness. I find myself so thirsty lately. It is such an easy thing to remedy what with clean water at every turn. But I also find myself lazy. Lazy enough to see the task of getting up and getting a drink not worth it. I will just sit here and suffer, and when i have to get up and go somewhere, or go to dinner, I will drink water then. Even now, I am thirsty. Parched. And I am sitting comfortably with my computer on my lap and the water fountain not 30 feet away. But that is how it is with me sometimes. I wake up and I can feel the ache in my spirit. The creaking that comes from dryness, like a leather saddle that had been ridden hard and needs a good oiling. Likewise I need the sweet Oil of the presence of my Savior to flow through me. I need to crack open that word and let it flow like oil over my heart, like cleansing water. Purifying certain areas of my life, washing away the grit that collects. And comforting. Let the oil salve those wounds that no man can fix. Let the Lord who created me call me by my true name and show me what my image is, in his eyes.

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