Thursday, January 26, 2012

Procrastination and Caramel Cake

Ever since I can remember, I've had a very short attention span. We're talking a 5 year old's, can't focus for 5 minutes attention span. This rule applies to tasks such as math, cleaning, organizing, and/or any item that needs to be done.

     Warning #1: this short attention span is further shortened with large amounts of caffeine and a house full of things I don't want to do.
     Warning #2: I have had a cup of coffee and chai tea today and just spent approximately five minutes organizing the office, followed by two minutes working on addressing notes and now I am here.

       I am not alone in this. In fact, I quickly discovered in college that there were any number of people who would join me in my "needed" trips to get coffee in the middle of afternoon study sessions, or who would take a LONG study break and talk to me in the library. It is a small wonder that I graduated with my ratio of breaks to study sessions being approximately 4 to 1.

     Unfortunately this habit permeates nearly all areas of life. Often I walk around my house only to find at least one unfinished project in each room. I have oodles of unfinished art projects including painting, knitting, crocheting, sewing and even needlepoint! In my art box there are at least 3 sketched on but never painted canvases. Who knows what masterpieces I could create if I would but focus!?

      There is one area of my life where this rule does not apply. I have rarely ever started to cook something and not finished it. Perhaps this is because I learned to cook from my Oma and my mom -two extremely motivated and focused women- or perhaps because the prize of eating is always worth it. I do love to eat...

      I am one of those who can browse a cookbook for hours. Literally. I LOVE planning meals. I love baking. I even have the patience to let bread rise for 3 1/2 hours simply because the smell is almost better that the taste once it is baking in the oven.

      Last year, when I was cold or bored (or both) in Northeast China where I taught English, I would bake. It was my go-to mechanism and always made me feel a bit more at home.

      I even bought a pumpkin and figured out how to make pumpkin puree so I could make fall goodies like pumpkin challah, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and pumpkin pie with whipped cream.

     It was pure delight smelling that goodness coming from my little bitty oven.

      One time Hank and I, on one of our skype dates, decided to cook something and eat it at the same time on skype. It wasn't quite what we pictured because the gas to my stove ran out right as I was going to make banana pancakes. I made them in the oven instead and we ate pancakes and stared googly eyed at each other over the internet.

     I learned last year that cooking was a good way to get to know students. I had students over a few times and they would 'teach' me how to make their local food. Most often I ended up getting them what they needed while they made it, but it was so fun afterwards getting to eat and talk and laugh together.

    Some of my Chinese comrades came over one time and we made food from our homes- comfort food. One of them made Coca Cola chicken wings (delicious!) and another made spicy sichuan food while I attempted to make tacos. It was fun even if the tacos weren't quite authentic.

        I have always believed that there is a certain power to food. It brings people together, makes em' feel like one big happy family. At our family reunion you will always find my sisters and I huddled around the snack table or standing around in the kitchen blocking traffic and talking with people. Its just a good place to be.

    Today Hank suggested that I take a break from job applications and do an art project. I love art but right now I am in a baking mood.
Watch out!

      I started reading the help a few days ago and now I MUST have a piece of caramel cake. I've never tried one but it sounds incredible so I just found this recipe on this blog and Hank has already been texted to ask if he will go to the store for me... what a sweetie.

Do two people really need a massive and decadently delish caramel cake?
   That's besides the point. Come on dahling! Live a little!!

So here goes- gonna see how it turns out. I'll let you know!

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