Sunday, August 26, 2012

And it Begins!

Tonight I met all my children and their parents and may I just say- I am excited!

After a short spiel by our administrator and the pastor of the church where my school is, the families were released to our classrooms. I was running on adrenaline so I barely felt nervous.

 It took all of the last three days to finish my classroom. And that was with the hours spent in the afternoons and evenings of this week. I have a new respect for all of the teacher I have had!

I have eaten lunch at the church the past three days and the pastor even asked if I felt like I lived there! You know you have been at a church too much if the pastor asks that!

But, as the final minutes quickly ticked by, I had a huge peace (one that was oddly accompanied by a large amount of adrenaline and a long mental list of tasks to complete). Hank was a marvelous help. He had to work today but finished right after church. He came with lunch and we ate and then buckled down. The final details came together and I must say, it looked like a real classroom and I felt like a real teacher. A great feeling! :)

When the parents were dismissed and began to come into the classroom, I put on my best smile and began to greet the children and their parents. I feel so fortunate in that 11 out of 12 parents came. This tells me that I have a group of involved parents and that is so important.

Hank took all the supplies and organized them in the back of the room while I gave the parents information about myself, what we would be learning this year and our classroom rules. When I finished, I was able to meet some of my students. They are PRECIOUS and SO ADORABLE!!!!

And their parents were amazing. I am so thankful and so very blessed. We pulled out of the parking lot and got pizza because we were both too brain-dead and tired to cook. But I couldn't shake this glorious peace. Before we climbed into our cars and left the church, I turned to Hank and said "This is where we are supposed to be." And he feels it too. In the staff and the family feel of our team, the sweet students and their parents, and the administration that wholeheartedly  supports us... I am so thankful and so excited for our first day tomorrow!

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