A number of years ago, I read a book by Calvin Miller titled "A Hunger for the Holy." From the beautiful picture of the table that the Father prepares for us in Psalm 23:5, Miller describes the necessity of meeting with the Father daily.
Close your eyes. Well, read this paragraph and then close your eyes.
Imagine a small table set with two plates, two cups, and a loaf of bread. Three yellow candles sit atop the table and they cast their light upon a tablecloth that has been carefully laid. The shadows cast by the candlelight fall on a seat meant just for you. There are no place cards but you know the seat is yours. You draw near to the table and a man is there waiting for you. He is so familiar. His presence is warm, inviting you to sit and relax, let all the strain from the past week vanish. You settle into the chair and he smiles. He breaks the bread before you and hands it to you. You remember that here you can lay your heart bare and know and be known by the Bridegroom himself.