The leaves are strewn asunder, on muddy ground torn up here and there by myriads of tennis shoe shod feet braving the puddled ground in hasty departure to class. The storms blew though so suddenly, in the midst of a week of pure bliss. Sunshiney days full of singing birds, barren trees, and 70 degree says hearkening the end of winter.
This, the beginning of the end as it were, has been the most amazing of seasons. As I prepare to finish this season of life in college and go on to whatever the father has prepared for me, I am amazed at the peace I am finding at every corner.
Perhaps it is the almost eight hours of sleep and regular exercise I have been getting... Perhaps it is the waking up and laying in bed a few minutes extra to lift up the day before rushing off to begin the day of business and productivity. Perhaps it is the constant reminders Papa has hidden for me, in class, in homework, in reading the word... to abide.
To simply be in him and him in me. To rest in him. No easy task while the world seeks to steal our attention, but oh so sweet so have our heart ever romanced by the Son. Oh so sweet to enjoy a beautiful day in communion with the One who made it. to know he is still the Father, ever present and triumphant in the midst of storms, chaos, whatever. And that his love is ever enough. Oh how sweet to rest in this; for though the storms come, a new day will dawn and we will pick up the pieces knowing That our Father still reigns, not distant but present, loving, and his knowledge and plans are unsearchable.