Thursday, November 19, 2009


There is one right outside my classroom, one down the hall from my dorm room. One in the gym where I work out once in a blue moon. Galvanized metal box with refrigerated refreshment at the push of a button. All one has to do is get up and walk to that water fountain of goodness. I find myself so thirsty lately. It is such an easy thing to remedy what with clean water at every turn. But I also find myself lazy. Lazy enough to see the task of getting up and getting a drink not worth it. I will just sit here and suffer, and when i have to get up and go somewhere, or go to dinner, I will drink water then. Even now, I am thirsty. Parched. And I am sitting comfortably with my computer on my lap and the water fountain not 30 feet away. But that is how it is with me sometimes. I wake up and I can feel the ache in my spirit. The creaking that comes from dryness, like a leather saddle that had been ridden hard and needs a good oiling. Likewise I need the sweet Oil of the presence of my Savior to flow through me. I need to crack open that word and let it flow like oil over my heart, like cleansing water. Purifying certain areas of my life, washing away the grit that collects. And comforting. Let the oil salve those wounds that no man can fix. Let the Lord who created me call me by my true name and show me what my image is, in his eyes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

1000 Gifts

7* Fall, everything about fall from the crunchy leaves to the crisp air to the fact that Texas is 30 degrees colder in the mornings and warms up to 70 degrees outside in the afternoons. 8* Conversations with Ryan- my dear brother has called three times in two days. A sure sign that God is working. 9* Recipes- mostly pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies at this time of year :) DELISH! 10* A workout buddy who forces me to get exercise at least 2 times a week!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1000 Gifts

1* Watching 18-22 year olds suck jello out of bowls and eat pudding out of diapers for 'Extended Orientation" and having everyone rally around to cheer them on and to realize 'it's ok to look dumb here. I'm not in high school anymore.' 2. * Looonnggg Conversations with Hank when we both know I should be studying, he should be sleeping, but we both miss each other too much to hang up. 3* Whitney-Kelsey Coffee Dates between my first class and chapel on mwf when we can. Those conversations restore me to normal so often. She is a life saver and a kindred spirit. 4* $135 for coffee each semester that is 'built-in' and has to be spent :) When else in my life will I have that ???? 5* Random conversations will girls on the floor in the hall, outside my room, procrastinating. I love my built in network of friends. 6* Getting to take pictures when TJ gave Jamie the ring! I like Romance- can't help it.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Extended Orientation is a beautiful thing at LeTourneau. The night air fills will the sounds of boys running to and fro on mission to do whatever secret task is assigned to them by their upper classmen or to follow the traditions established years before them. The goal- to become part of the family that we like to call your floor. During the day, guys walk around in starnge garb, wearing strange things like A1 bottles, and rocks, construction vests and being chaned together as they eat in the cafeteria. This is a different version of floor bonding. At LeTourneau we do not haze. We bond. The whole floor participates in an effort to make the whole floor grow into one united team. The girl version of E.O. is much different. A bit tamer if you will. Girl E.O. is like summer camp with some scavenger hunts and some get-to-know you games. I am not content to leave E.O. at this level on my floor. I reside on ELH 3. The floor of the phoenix. this year I have ordered red feather boas and we have donned our duct taped black shirts to proudly rep our team. Tonight we found out what we had in common as we played the 'get to know you game.'

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beautiful Beginnings

Today was the official move- in day for the freshmen/transfers coming onto ELH 3. It was a very exciting day indeed. I actually already had 5 new girls on the floor(4 international students and 1 volleyball player) along with Jamie my chaplain and Bri, themelios. But it feels good to have the girls here. LAst night, before all the moving in and unpacking and registration and all of that hub bub began, Bri, Jamie, two of the Korean students-YoungSun and SoMang, and I prayer walked the whole floor. It was wonderful and organic and I could feel the relationships being formed as SoMang and YoungSun prayed fluidly in their native toungue over eachother's rooms. Today was steady and I stayed out of parents and student's ways while guiding them through the necessary steps of move-in. The parents want to make the most of every last second they have with their kids. well, some do. The past week has been intense with training from 8:30 to 5 every day since the Impact Retreat. I have felt the weariness settle in. Yet God has been faithful. I have the overall feeling that he is strengthening me for what is ahead. I don't know what that is, but I am praying that it will be amazing. So, it was nice today to focus on welcoming the girls, to work on the bulletin board with Jamie, and to unpack some of the boxes in my room. I have noticed one issue I need to deal with before it works it's devious little roots through my spirit. I have the senior cynicism and it has crept in somewhere along the line this past summer. It has jumped out of my mouth and reared it's ugly head in the form of a disrespectful attitude and an unwillingness to work and to do the job set before me. I want to live with excellence. Yet, this cynicism is disgustingly seductive in it's call to "come, be lazy with me. Lay down those burdens they have put on you. How dare they!?" It's a beast, that cynicism. But really, it is just my pride and my flesh (sin) in one of it's many forms. I need accountability in this area. Yikes.